Current Weather
Weather Forecast

42° F
High22° F
Low7 mph
forecasted snowfallWed 26

47° F
High26° F
Low6 mph
forecasted snowfallThu 27

Partly Cloudy
46° F
High29° F
Low6 mph
forecasted snowfallFri 28

Mostly Cloudy
43° F
High30° F
Low9 mph
forecasted snowfallSat 29

Partly Cloudy
37° F
High25° F
Low7 mph
forecasted snowfallWebcams
High winds may decrease the accuracy of the snow stake. Our team checks several locations daily to get the most accurate report.
Top o' the Mountain Cam
Live webcam feed from the top of the Piney Basin Triple at Ski Cooper, CO overlooking Trails End.
Ridgeview Cam
Thank you for your patience as we work to replace a failed camera!Live webcam feed from the Ridgeview Cafe overlooking the top of Eagle and Chicago Ridge.
Snow Stake
Live webcam feed from the Ski Cooper snow stake at 11,700′ elevation at the top of Cooper Hill. Snow stake is cleared by snow reporters each morning around 5am.